Crossing a finish line to start a new race

I have to begin this article with an apology. It's been a rough few months since my last entry. To begin with, the books are published. We've turned out the next three books in the series: Tortured Earth Core Rule Book, The Travel Journal of Mica Greer (Supplement), and The Unofficial Account of Gavin Harris (Supplement). In addition, we've produced a line of modules designed to get people playing the game. Each is a one-shot ending with a transition into another reality. In all, we've managed to produce four mini-modules with a fifth in editing at this point. Kevin is currently working on his first module and I'm outlining more creatures for the next two supplements. On top of all the writing, we've decided to take a leap of faith and make our works available in PDF format. As of now, we have the GM guide and both supplements on We've even made a few sales. The main hesitation with releasing PDFs has been security. After speaking with oth...