Mississippi Comic Con

We are finally back on track. Last week was really rough for us. My father passed away on Monday as we were on our way to Montana and had to turn around to make it for the funeral. This week has been dedicated to cleaning up the financial and federal matters that always surface in the wake of death. 

On top of this, on the way back from Montana, we hit a massive pothole in Shreveport and blew out a tire. Once we finally got back home, we find out a seal on the axle was blown. Of course, we had it fixed. While leaving for Jackson, MS, the other seal blows. We are waiting to leave, hoping the seals can be fixed by noon. Fortunately, we have a good working relationship with VXV events, so they are willing to stay a little late to allow us to finish setup.

For those of you in the Jackson, MS take a look at the guests list: Mississippi Comic Con. This is one of the best shows we go to in the region. The vendor coordinator graciously gave us a spot to run game sessions, so we'll have at least one game table going throughout the convention.

Lately, I've been working on making videos to answer the most common questions asked. The Tortured Earth channel is slowly growing.

My crew is driving up now! See you on the circuit.

Thanks for reading,

K. B. Kidder



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