Creative friends and finishing touches

Image by veeterzy

Tonight, I enjoyed a pleasant phone conversation with an old convention friend. Robert Stikmanz has always held a special place with Tortured Earth. He is the creator of the D'Varsh language, writer of Nod's Way, and a novelist to boot! Since we've met, he's proven to be possibly one of the most creative people I've known.

As old friends, we're pretty much open with one another regarding our businesses, promotional strategies, and general operating practices. We are also very open with one another regarding the issues and hurdles we face. Robert mentioned a friend who has basically called him out for wasting his time on his labor of love. From the conversation, I had the feeling his intention was to shame Robert into giving up his project and pursue more profitable ventures.

For those of you reading these blogs and never having attempted to create anything, please pay attention. A creator pours their heart and soul into their projects. When you are truly creating, you don't just see the words on the paper. You see the worlds as they unfold. The characters are not literary gimmicks. They become extensions of your personality. Their triumphs are yours, their losses pain you.

Robert has created not just a world within his novels, he's expanded that world into the role-playing community. Nod's Way, The Oracle is a fortune-telling device used to breathe life into the lore of his world. The D'Varsh Guide is the actual language - unique mechanics, fonts, script, and all. The world is built waiting for readers to wander into it. Topping the list of diversity to his world is the art. Several of his prints have the D'Varsh script. His current work is an epic poem written in the language. (For a sample, Robert reads a few stanzas of the work here.)

The notion that anyone would discourage that level of creativity is offensive beyond all measure. I can't understand why anyone considering themselves a friend would even think of breathing those words. To the creative mind, it is crippling. After hearing his discouragement, I decided I'd post his information in the blog. For my readers, all I can ask is: Look at his work. See what you think. If you're interested, subscribe to his newsletter. I think you'll be impressed by his project.

On other matters:

The Game Guide and Player's Guide are finished. Content is edited. Table of Contents and Index are being compiled.

This weekend (2/6/2021) is our first recording session for the Tortured Earth Broadcast. The first episode is the Interview of Split Face - and we are all excited.

Next week, we start the official editing of the Creature Manual content. Fortunately, there are a lot fewer mechanical issues with the creature content. The goal is to have all three books ready for Mid-March. We'll have a Kickstarter promotion and start Convention Season with the new ruleset.

Kevin is polishing up the convention campaigns and bundling them for a release. He is also working on a full-scale module. I'll begin work on the Fires of Apison as soon as the Kickstarter launches.

Thanks for reading! 

K. B. Kidder

If you are checking out this blog for the first time, you may access our website by clicking here: Tortured Earth.

Character Species released for review: AllornDwarfElfEoceph, and Goblin.

Combat Creatures released for review: BraunachFaedaFetid HoundMinotaur, and Wolf.

If you are interested in the creature development process, you may submit your own creatures by filling out the following form. We will review the forms before publishing the creatures to the website. Creature Creation Form

If you would like to see what Tortured Earth looks like, the rule book's GM portion is available as a free download on the Tortured Earth Home Page. Tortured Earth Beta GM Guide  

I have created a Tavern Generator and Loot Generator. Both are free downloads and can be adapted to a wide range of story settings. Both are written in Excel. If you are using a tablet, you can download a free version of Excel and operate it live at the game table.

Tortured Earth is now a partner with Sanctum Games, Powered by Cactyys Totem. Video Gamers are asked to take a peek at the system and let us know what you think!

Finally, Fixi's Playground is a new podcast focusing on all things geek. Favorite books, school, politics, gaming, writing, geekery, and a whole host of other topics were discussed. Fixi's Playground Interview


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