The page has finally turned!

Image Courtesy of Shutterstock

The day I thought would never get here has finally arrived! The new books are finally in print.

After editing what seemed like an eternity, and formatting for a lifetime after that, we are now in print. Currently, only two titles are available - with the third soon to be released:

Tortured Earth Core Rule Book 

Tortured Earth Supplemental: The Unofficial Account of Gavin Harris

Tortured Earth Supplemental: The Travel Journal of Mica Greer (Releases on 7/16/2021)

With the core books released, we now shift gears to writing modules and stories to expand the Tortured Earth universe. Over the next several months, we will travel through the convention circuit promoting the new books, writing new material and, hopefully, pick up a few new writers.

A few items of interest:

We will travel with Cactyys Totem and Chronicles of Ember to Arklatex Comic Con and host an independent gaming area. 

Our convention schedule is pretty much packed. However, if you're in any of the regions we are traveling to, please stop by our table and say 'Hi'!

July 16 - 18. Delta H Con, Houston, TX

July 23 - 25. Twisted Lords Gaming, Midwest City, OK

July 21 - August 1. Smoky Mountain FanFest, Gatlinburg, TN

August 7 - 8. Northwest Arkansas Comic Con, Rogers, AR

August 14 - 15. Hill County Comic Con, New Braunfels, TX

August 20 - 22. Southern Fried Gaming Expo, Atlanta, GA

August 28 - 29. Louisiana Comic Con, Lafayette, LA

September 4 - 5. Arklatex Comic Con, Texarkana, TX

September 11 - 12. Arkansas Comic Con, Little Rock AR

September 24 - 26. SpaCon, Hot Springs, AR

October 9 - 10. Alabama Comic Con, Birmingham, AL

October 22 - 24. Galacticon, Roswell, NM

December 3 - 5. Anime Frontier, Fort Worth, TX

December 31 - January 2. OkiCon, Norman, OK

Thanks for reading! 

K. B. Kidder

If you are checking out this blog for the first time, you may access our website by clicking here: Tortured Earth.

Character Species released for review: AllornDwarfElfEoceph, and Goblin.

Combat Creatures released for review: BraunachFaedaFetid HoundMinotaur, and Wolf.

If you are interested in the creature development process, you may submit your own creatures by filling out the following form. We will review the forms before publishing the creatures to the website. Creature Creation Form

If you would like to see what Tortured Earth looks like, the rule book's GM portion is available as a free download on the Tortured Earth Home Page. Tortured Earth Beta GM Guide  

I have created a Tavern Generator and Loot Generator. Both are free downloads and can be adapted to a wide range of story settings. Both are written in Excel. If you are using a tablet, you can download a free version of Excel and operate it live at the game table.

Tortured Earth is now a partner with Sanctum Games, Powered by Cactyys Totem. Video Gamers are asked to take a peek at the system and let us know what you think!

Finally, Fixi's Playground is a new podcast focusing on all things geek. Favorite books, school, politics, gaming, writing, geekery, and a whole host of other topics were discussed. Fixi's Playground Interview


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