Northwest Arkansas Comic Con

Rogers, Arkansas is an amazing place for gaming. The community is supportive, the convention was well attended, and the scenery was really nice. Overall, the convention was a huge success. The convention team is looking forward to attending next year's show and seeing how it grows!

Getting to Rogers is another matter. Traveling as much as I do, I've become rather dependent on Google! Maps. The problem with Google Maps is the complete lack of road-hazard awareness. Google! faithfully calculates the shortest distance between two points and plots a course from where you are to where you are going. It doesn't matter to Google! if the roads are broad, expansive highways or stretched like noodles on the edges of ridges that pitch at impossible angles as you are barreling down the highway at 65 mph at 11 PM.

The path we were directed on meandered between Oklahoma and Arkansas, giving us the most challenging roads both states had to offer. At one point, the road seemed to simply drop off into shadow and gave your stomach the feeling of dropping over the peak of a roller coaster. (Just to say it, Christian screamed a couple of times like a little girl.)

Somewhere around 10 PM, we decided it's time to find a place to sleep. Google directed us to the nearest lodging, which turned out to be an actual lodge down a dirt lane. The drive there and driveway to the place would have made an amazing horror story. Fortunately, we saw that one and knew the ending. We got out of there.

Two hours later, there's not a lot of lodging on the western edge of Arkansas, we ended up at De Queen Courtyard Inn. Please understand, I am no stranger to the hazards of motels. While on the road, we've had to stay in some shady lodgings. When this motel popped up, I actually considered overdosing on energy drinks and power driving all the way to Texarkana - 100 miles farther down the road. I was exhausted and had to stop for rest. 

The De Queen Courtyard Inn was actually a very clean, pleasant place. The lady working the counter was friendly and helpful and the rooms were immaculate. No weird smells, no odd hairs on the linens, no mysterious stains on the carpets. This place was clean! 

If ever you are lost on the backroads of eastern Oklahoma - western Arkansas and need a place to stay, I'd strongly recommend punching in De Queen Courtyard Inn and taking a chance. It's a surprising place.

Below are convention photos. Hope you enjoy!

 Thanks for reading!

-K. B. Kidder

The 2.0 version of Tortured Earth are now available through the following links:


Tortured Earth Core Rule Book 

Tortured Earth Supplemental: The Unofficial Account of Gavin Harris

Tortured Earth Supplemental: The Travel Journal of Mica Greer 

Barnes & Noble:

Tortured Earth Core Rule Book

The Unofficial Account of Gavin Harris

The Travel Journal of Mica Greer


Tortured Earth Core Rule Book

The Unofficial Account of Gavin Harris

The Travel Journal of Mica Greer

Mountains of Mists and Mystery is available as a free download to those wishing to purchase the system and are waiting for the next line of modules.


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