

This weekend was spent at ContraFlow. It was a smaller con in Kenner, LA. The con has a really good feel to it and had the potential to becomes something much bigger. However, the organizers decided this would be the last year.

 ContraFlow was marketed as a Relaxacon, meaning it had a few minor guests and lots of after-hour parties. For vendors, these are typically low performing conventions. Most vendors who attended also attended previous shows, so the layout was not a surprise. I was not one of those vendors. Admittedly, we were caught off guard by the small attendance and laid-back attitude.

 Due to the financial burden of hiring two workers, food for three people, and all the accompanying incidentals, we decided it best to shut down after the second day and return home. As a vendor, I absolutely hate leaving a convention early. However, when the financial weight overshadows the possible gains, it’s the only decision.

 Fortunately, the convention organizer runs other shows that are very good for us and we were able to part on good terms. Coupled with a very good convention season, the loss of this convention will not pose a threat to general operations.

 For those launching into a convention business, it’s always wise to remember a little research goes a long way. However, even research and personal accounts do not always provide enough indicators to reveal how a convention will perform for your merchandise.


Thanks for reading!

Tortured Earth now has a rules lite version available on the website. It’s a free download! Please check it out.


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