OzCon Day 2


Today was not a bad day. We managed to break even and cross into the profit zone. After 2PM, the convention slowed down and we saw a slow down in sales. Despite the slowdown, the attendees were excited about the show.

I know the vendor perspective is focused on the dollar sign. However, this show really does have a lot to offer for the attendee: it’s affordable, has a lot of activities, and remains true to its design. Given the fact we’re in the profit zone, I feel the show is definitely a show worth a return.

I would be painting a misleading picture if I said all were doing spectacular. A few of my vendor friends have complained the show has not shaped out to what they hoped it would be. Their success could be a multifaceted issue. Some are using their booth to shield themselves from the customers, a couple are known for sitting on their phones and not engaging with potential buyers, and not a few have displays that are either lacking or missing all together.

The crafters of the group are having a spattering of results. A couple of laser-cut guys report doing ok. My friend Donnie is holding his own but not really shining. On this point, I feel really bad. His product is actually quite amazing and he can boast he crafts every item personally. Seeing images of his product simply does not do it justice. However, the crafted items don't seem to fair as well. After a short discussion, I think the reason has to do with the fact he's from the area. 

Moving forward, I'm going to begin running game sessions for my workers. By next year, I should have a fully trained staff and will be able to run game sessions throughout the event. Although West Plains is a bit out of the way for most from Missouri, I do believe the show’s focus and vision should draw a crowd. Hopefully, Sunday will represent a good sale day as attendees close their weekend purchasing those items they have been looking at all weekend.

As always, if you are looking for a new gaming experience, try our free download at Tortured Earth (www.torturedearth.com).



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