Yellow City Comic Con

I guess I should begin with an explanation as to why I’ve been so silent lately. In short, we’ve been VERY busy. Tortured Earth moved from roughly 25 conventions per year to 38 per year. The past two years have been madness, to say the least.


In all of this, I was involved in a project to open a new school. Tortured Earth’s convention presence skyrocketed. I reached a threshold at which I was able to completely retire from education and move forward with the game’s development. We managed to pick up a new writer, started writing a whole lot more ourselves, and are releasing new modules this year.


I hired a full-time employee, had to let him go, and learned a lot in the process. (This will be discussed in a later blog post.)


So many things have changed in the industry. We’ve seen the emergence of AI for nearly all aspects of creation. (Again, discussed in a later post.) Fortunately, between Kevin and myself, we’ve got enough nightmares running around in our heads to enable us to create without reliance on AI generators.


The market in the United States is a bit slow, so we’re seeing a whole lot more competition out there and more shows falling on the low performance end of the spectrum. The year started off at a snail’s pace with some of our higher earning shows falling on the blah end of the spectrum. By the time March rolled around, we started seeing better earnings and the convention population seems to have stabilized.


This weekend we are vending at Yellow City Comic Con (YC3) in Amarillo, TX. This is a show we used to attend regularly but dropped it because of shows opening up closer to home. Since the COVID shutdown, those shows have pretty much floundered, leaving us looking for better venues.


Yellow City Comic Con was a good performing show in the past and we are hoping for a good attendance. My only regret with this show in particular is the lack of a GM in my company. I was hoping to have someone dedicated to running game sessions throughout the show. Unfortunately, I’m short a GM and will have to start searching for another one.


For those of you interested in our new developments, please check out the website:



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