MomoCon Days 3 & 4

I have to begin with an apology. The convention was incredibly busy on Sunday. We were hit like a storm and it didn't let up until the doors closed on Monday. Of course, the end of the show marked us packing up and beginning the long drive home. We're definitely returning to MomoCon next year, if they'll have us.

After the show on Sunday, we decided to head over to a nearby Mellow Mushroom and have a few slices of pizza and more than a few laughs. It was a the perfect end to a very busy day. I think everyone at the table was either drained or ready to snooze when this picture was taken. The weather was perfect for an outdoor meal and the company was excellent.

While working the floor on Sunday, I had an unexpected visitor Karan Ashley! She played the yellow power ranger. When she came up to the booth, I kept looking at her like I should know her. It took a few moments for me to put it together. She asked for a yellow Power Ranger flag. The gentleman she was with asked me if I knew her. 

I've met a few of the Power Rangers on the circuit and am always amazed with how friendly they are as a individuals. To date, I've met the blue, red, black, yellow, and green rangers. Of the actors I've come in contact with, I have to say they are among the most friendly and approachable people on the circuit.

Thanks for reading!

K. B. Kidder


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