Setup at MomoCon

We managed to get the booth set up in record time! That’s always a good thing. We arrived early, managed to get a decent spot in the load-in line and went straight to work. The parking here is still pretty bad - $35 per day for vendors. However, the people running the show are super nice and very helpful.

Despite the size of this show, there is not a whole lot of overlap in the type of items sold. Of course, you have a vendors selling Pops and wall scrolls. The types of items they have are different. Just walking around the vendor room floor, we found people selling similar items but definitely not the same items. That’s always a good sign. 

Word around the convention center was there were nearly 40,000 people at the show last year. Hopefully, we see similar numbers this year. The layout of the room is huge! As before, there is a massive gaming area set aside. 

We were surprised to see some familiar faces here. A good friend of mine, Brandon with Tyr 3 (Booth 1523, Yum-yum bags and mystery boxes) and A.J. with Fuzzy Dragons (824-826, earrings and plushies) are here. Of course, Kevin with 2 Trolls Gaming (708, 3D prints and light boxes) is right on the side of us. Tortured Earth is located at Booths 704 & 706. For those of you attending the show, stop by and say ‘Hi’! We’d love to hear from you.

For those of you who can't, we certainly understand. We'll be posting interesting bits the whole convention. I would have posted pictures of Kevin, A.J., and Brandon but their booths were not finished by the time we left. I'll make sure to post some pictures tomorrow.

As always, thank you for reading.

K. B. Kidder


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