Social Media / Setup at Iron City Comic Con

Social media has been the bane of my existence since the company got started. It's not that I don't appreciate it as a method of communication. It's keeping up with it that has always been a problem. However, with my retirement, I find myself able to turn to it more frequently and attend to it with greater regularity. 

The main social media we currently use are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), and the website. Discord has now been added to that list. Articles I write in this forum will be circulated among the various services. Discord, as I have been recently educated on, offers a more direct approach. It also offers opportunities to get direct feedback on conceptual topics before it has to play tested. The hope is this will speed up development and cut unnecessary play-throughs on poorly conceived mechanics.

Twitter (X)

Today, we being the setup at Iron City Comic Con. We should have a light day before the madness begins tomorrow. The show seems to have generated a lot of buzz in the local community. That's good news! Hopefully, this evening I'll have an amazing report with tons of pictures.

Thanks for reading!

KB Kidder




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