Setup at Iron City Comic Con / Opening Day

Today we managed to get in early and complete the setup in a reasonable amount of time. The convention floor is not nearly the size of Momocon but the convention layout is familiar. One of the nice things about a smaller show is the ability of the attendee to experience all the show has to offer. The problem with a smaller show is the attendee can experience everything the show has to offer. 

To compensate for this, the show runner is under a constant pressure to make sure the show is new and different every year. One of the reasons I enjoy vending at VXV events is for this reason. They do change things up and make sure the show is a new experience each time. Not only in rotating guests but also in the format of the show, panels, and cosplay personalities. 

Of course, seeing familiar faces and having worked with not only the staff but the other vendors for a decade helps out as well. Most of the vendors here are counted among friends. We've become a sort of gypsy family that roams the roads and gather at familiar watering holes. For those who know me, that's usually Chinese restaurants and other buffet-styled eateries.

One of my vendor friends, Generation Gifts (David) asked me to design a new banner for his booth. He and his wife are in the process of retiring their old business and opening under a new name. For the past several years, he's been a sword vendor and prefers to focus on metal and foam weapons. The new business will be called "To the Point". These are the top two designs I developed for him. Which do you prefer?

Thanks for reading!

K. B. Kidder

I was so tired last night that I forgot to post this blog. I do apologize. I'll just post today's blog onto this one. To sum it up: we were busy. Not just a steady stream of people. I'm talking mobbed. It was awesome! The attendees seem to really enjoy themselves and the vendors didn't do too bad either. VXV have reliably put on good shows for both vendors and attendees and we're quite happy to be allowed to vend at their events. 

Not only is the guest list good but the personalities are friendly and engaging with their fans. The vendors we associate with all report they are doing well and are also enjoying the show. For those of you local to the area, it's a well worth the time to check it out!

Thanks for reading!

K. B. Kidder


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