Magic Chapter - Rescaled Goals

Photo by: Baccus Giacone, Abandoned Louisiana Despite the madness of yesterday's issues, today worked out a little better. After I pecked out my post using my phone, I managed to work on some of the editing in the magic section. Actually got a good bit accomplished. As a means of balancing certain abilities, their status effects have been locked into one of three categories: instant, countdown, and duration. Abilities operating over a short, fixed time frame usually have damaging abilities labeled 'Duration'. Their damage or effect remains fixed at an unchanging level and vanish once the spell effect disperses. Suppose a character casts a Sappy Spray at Rank 4 and delivers Hinder to the target of that spell. Hinder will occur at Rank 4 for the fixed 3 rounds of that spell's duration. The effects of Hinder will not vanish unless the character manages to break free of the spell's effect. With certain skills, the effect occurs as a single blast of damage and are r...